
Storing snow over the summer has become more common the last few years, both for Cross-Country and alpine venues. More research data and information on the topic is now available. Miscellanous research- and other articles from projects in Sweden, Norway and Switzerland, as well as a few Norwegian Master- and Bachelor theses can be found under the main menu selection “Litterature”.

Canmore, Canada has stored snow every summer since 2009 (Photo: Mike Norton)

The snow that is being stored should be homogeneous and optimally with a density of about 600 – 700 kg/m³ to not collaps too much through the summer. A grooming machine should be used to achieve the optimal density, shape and size of the stored snow pile; the machine can mix and push/doze the snow into a pile as well as compact it. If the snow is too dry or not dense enough, water should be added. Man-made snow is better than natural snow.